09. March 2025

Free ModSecurity Rules | Enhance Your Web Security
The Fundable Startup: Aligning Product Lifecycle with Funding Stages

Web hosting industry is an important industry for Comodo.
Protecting web sites is an important function as attacks against websites continue to increase and not only are the businesses running these websites are under attack, but visitors who use these websites are also vulnerable due to compromised web servers and web sites.

Mod_security is a decent platform but without signatures/rules its not much use (ModSecurity™ is a web application firewall engine that provides very little protection on its own. In order to become useful, ModSecurity™ must be configured with rules)]

There were some free ModSecurity Rules in the past that did a good job, albeit delayed, but it no longer is available. (Please note that Atomicorp no longer provides a free delayed version of its ModSecurity Rule set.)

Comodo is a company who sees the threat on daily basis on both sides, consumer side and business side. We see it in the consumer side because we protect tens of millions of users using our Antivirus products. We see it on the business site because we monitor and protect businesses and their website with products like www.hackerguardian.com and www.webinspector.com.

This puts Comodo in very unique position of being able deliver the most effective security for websites and web servers and do so very effectively. And here we are, we decided to build the infrastructure and provide modsecurity rules for FREE! (there might be different variation in future but we will always provide some free version so that you can be secure).

Here is our promise to you: We will work with you to protect your web sites and web servers! Talk to us about the attacks you are facing and let us provide you mod_sec rules for free to protect yourself. Let us customize rules to fend off attacks,  let us fight together side by side and for FREE!

Go ahead and get your Modsecurity Rules for Free  now!



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About Me

I am Melih Abdulhayoglu, founder of MAVeCap – Technology Innovator.

I believe nothing is perfect. Therefore everything can be improved!