All posts by Melih

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Self Replication:

Self-replication is any process by which a thing might make a copy of itself or something similar to original.


God, as far as any creation is concerned!


Somebody/something that releases a creation with self-replication capability

Self awareness:

Self-awareness is the explicit understanding that

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Self denial

Ostridge mentality

Can’t face the music

Hard to let go

and so on… summarises all that you can say about the Current AV industry!

Hey guys: Wake up and smell the roses! You are fighthing 21st Century war in trenches!!! It does not work!!

Here is the Article  where AV

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hmmmm… yet another Social something! Social networking, Social peeing, Social this and Social that! Whatever next!!


The power of end users who are doing things and the power of internet and computers to be able to utilize these actions, turn them into a useful set of data and then re-use it

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Enough is enough! Well over 20 years the industry has been selling solution to a problem, that seems to have gotten worse!

Thats like selling headache pills and your headache gets worse! Something is wrong with that picture!

When you get your haircut, you don’t then go home and finish it off

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Salesman: **taking the shiny $20 bill notes from the endusers*** oh thank you very much for the $$$$$ lovely jubbly..

Salesman: Here is the product go ahead and use it..

Enduser: Thanks.. kewl.. looks shiny.. lemme install this baby now!!!

Time: passing by…

Enduser: Why is my computer slow? Is it because