09. March 2025

AV-Comparatives.org: Bullying, Censorship & Financial Deals Exposed
The Fundable Startup: Aligning Product Lifecycle with Funding Stages

I never liked bullies, I never liked censorship, I never liked blackmail and I still don’t!

Its 24th November early in the morning, its Thanksgiving day in the US and looking forward to celebrating it with my family and friends. I checked my emails and I see the below email that has been sent to us (to Umesh). I was shocked to say the least! Peter Stelzhammer of AV-comparatives.org is threating me and blackmailing me saying that if I don’t “censor” my forum postings they will reveal “confidential” information.

Here is their email……

***BEGIN*Email of 24th Nov 2011**********************************

——– Original Message ——–

Subject: Posts of Melih
Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2011 00:45:57 -0800
From: Peter Stelzhammer <p@av-comparatives.org>
To: ‘Umesh Kumar Gupta (u@comodo.com)’ <u@comodo.com>
CC: a@av-comparatives.org<a@av-comparatives.org>


Hi Umesh,
we have been informed about some misleading forum entries of Melih.
It is really inacceptable and dubious how Melih is doing in public.
That is not a serious behaviour in this industry.
We are waiting for a response, if not, we may post our reply on
Monday in public. (e.g. we could clarify that Comodo paid for not releasing their results
 - the various static detection tests etc. that were commissioned by Comodo)
We are waiting for a public rectification till Monday or deleting the respective posts:
it simply not true that we do not test for protection. Also it is technically wrong what Melih
wrote He is blaming himself. And as we see users are recognizing that and writing this to us.
Re: Comodo AV Database update page
« Reply #1442 on: November 14, 2011, 01:36:07 PM »
Quote from: Tech on November 13, 2011, 08:03:43 PM
"But, do they? Before the testing or after (to publish)? Are the results influenced by this?
How could we know?
You are asking the wrong people."
You know how it works, you did it. We can proof. We can publish if necessary. Money has no influence.
So you paid, you got bad results. That's proof enough. We are independent not profit, money
just covers our cost. That is a bad insinuation.
Schöne Grüsse / Regards
Peter Stelzhammer
Mobil: +43 (664) | Tel: +43 (512)
 Innsbruck | Austria | Europe
www.av-comparatives.org<http://www.av-comparatives.org/> |

****END EMAIL********************************

We will not succumb to bullying forcing us to  “change our opinion”, according to Peter not succumbing to bullying will  leave us no choice but for them to go “public”…..

Now…luckily I live in a free country where I am entitled to my opinion. Bullies who try to blackmail people for having an opinion are not tolerated in this society!

Enough is enough….truth must come out about av-comparatives.org  and their ways….


Here is what Peter said:

“We are waiting for a response, if not, we may post our reply on Monday in public. (e.g. we could clarify that Comodo paid for not releasing their results – the various static detection tests etc. that were commissioned by Comodo)”

So lets focus on Peter’s above statement:

He says, “Comodo paid for not releasing their result”, this is a blatant lie! In the email of 11th Jan 2010 Peter clearly stated that it would actually cost us extra 500 Euro if we wanted to publish the results. We chose not to pay the extra here is the extract from the email from AV comparatives:

“ If you will keep the report internal, it is Euro 1500, if you want to use it in marketing and we shall publish it – with short review of product – on our website it is as told Euro 2000.”



So Peter saying that they will go public and say that “we paid not to release it to public” is a blatant lie and uses this blatant lie for an attempted censorship!

Here is my opinion about The issues with  AV-Comparitives.org and why they try hard to “censor” anyone who reveals this:

1)      There are sizeable amounts of payments being paid by Anti Virus companies to AV-Comparatives.org (AV-Comparatives.org should reveal how much money they get from each vendor so that end users can take this financial transaction into account when reading their reports, they claim to be a “not for profit” organization, so they should be open about it)

2)      The information provided is misleading: What is being tested is what the AntiVirus can detect and NOT what it can “Protect” you from!

3)      Samples are shared amongst the “participants”


We have always put our money where our mouth is and provided top notch security for our end users for free! We relied on the strength of our product and our end users to spread the word about Comodo. AV-comparatives.org is a disservice to end users because they try very hard to cover the fact that they get big $$ from antivirus vendors and provide misleading information about the role of “detection” in overall desktop protection.

I was hoping AV-Comparatives.org would change their ways and start providing valuable information to end users, they chose not to progress with time, they chose to stick to 1980s style of testing while ignoring the latest advancements in technology. Inability to inform end users of the latest protection capabilities in antivirus products and its performance while still “pushing” old style “dead malware” tests is simply misleading and disservice to end users.

I sincerely do hope that this is a wake up call to AV-Comparatives that they have to start providing “relevant” and valuable information to the public and be honest and open about their capabilities (what they can test and more importantly what they can’t test in a product) and their financial relationship with Antivirus companies. Luckily there are many hard working, honest testing organisations who are transparent to the public who do provide value both to Anti Virus vendors and public and we will continue to work with them in order to continue to bring top notch security for our end users.



Talk back






Other Emails below:

*****Email of 9th Jan 2010********************************

——– Original Message ——–

Subject: AV-Comparatives Test-Series
Date: Sat, 9 Jan 2010 20:16:21 +0100
From: Peter Stelzhammer <p @av-comparatives.org>
Reply-To: p @av-comparatives.org
To: u@comodo.com
CC: Andreas Clementi <a@av-comparatives.org>

Dear Umesh,

first, thanks for your mail. I want to clarify, that this E-Mail is confidential.

The Main Test-Series costs 8000 Euro per year. 2 On Demand, 2 Retrospective, a some Bonus Tests like Removal, Performance  and so on. The extended Yearly test-series including whole product dynamic testing is more expensive.  We can talk about this later.

As we write on our website, we try to include only very well  scoring AV products.

We suggest Comodo to get tested first in a Single Product Test, which is cheaper and would not expose Comodo too much in case of low results. A normal single product test/review costs usually 2000 Euro (depending from requested methodology). If you want us we will publish the results, but if not, we will keep the test confidential.

As the number of participants is limited and there are already over 30 vendors which want to take part, please let us know within next week about your decision wether you want to participate or not, in order that we can start choosing the participants.

Schöne Grüsse / Regards








***Email of 11th Apr 2011*************************
——– Original Message ——–

Subject: AW: AW: AW: Main Test Feb-2011
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2011 06:29:06 -0700
From: Peter Stelzhammer <i@stelzhammer.org>
To: Umesh Kumar Gupta <u@comodo.com>
CC: a @av-comparatives.org <a @av-comparatives.org>, Egemen Tas <E@comodo.com>

Hi Guys,


we have the test and the analysing done. We have to fix some minor things. I expect releasing tomorrow, as Andreas is sitting in the plane right now. He will finish it soon.


Here is a confidential preview of your results, I do not expect changes.



Schöne Grüsse / Regards

Peter Stelzhammer



Mobil: +43 (664) | Tel: +43 (512)

Innsbruck | Austria | Europe



—–Ursprüngliche Nachricht—–
Von: Umesh Kumar Gupta [mailto:u@comodo.com]
Gesendet: Montag, 11. April 2011 15:16
An: Peter Stelzhammer
Cc: a @av-comparatives.org; Egemen Tas
Betreff: Re: AW: AW: Main Test Feb-2011


Hi Peter,

You must be busy with testing. Just wondering when test is expected to be completed.





On 2/5/2011 4:02 AM, Peter Stelzhammer wrote:

> Hi,


> thanks for the link. We will use it. For the retrospective test the signatures will be frozen around 17th, maybe later. For the on demand test at the same time.


> Schöne Grüsse / Regards

> Peter Stelzhammer

> p@stelzhammer.org


> Mobil: +43 (664) | Tel: +43 (512) Andechsstrasse

> Innsbruck | Austria | Europe



> —–Ursprüngliche Nachricht—–

> Von: Umesh Kumar Gupta [mailto:u@comodo.com]

> Gesendet: Freitag, 04. Februar 2011 23:38

> An: Peter Stelzhammer

> Cc: a@av-comparatives.org; Egemen Tas

> Betreff: Re: AW: Main Test Feb-2011


> Hi Peter,

> Just to emphasize, please download latest available CIS setup from following link:

> http://www.comodo.com/home/download/download.php?prod=cis

> and also, we would like product to be tested with all default settings.

> So please do not use high/medium AV heuristic.


> And are you going to freeze AV updates on  17th Feb  itself?



> Thanks

> -umesh


> On 2/3/2011 10:02 AM, Umesh Kumar Gupta wrote:

>> Thanks Peter,

>> Yes please include us for Single product test.

>> Regarding whole product test, we can discuss further if there is

>> going to be any scope of it in future.

>> Egemen is going to be in AMTSO and i think we can have a face to face

>> meeting and discuss it further.


>> Thanks

>> -umesh


>> On 2/3/2011 9:45 AM, Peter Stelzhammer wrote:

>>> Hi Guys,


>>> cool to hear you again. As promised we can test you in our on-demand

>>> test separately in a Single Product Test. Fee is Euro 2000. The test

>>> will start on 17th of Feb. 2011.

>>> Just let us know.


>>> About the whole product test, we would like to see you in, but, and

>>> this is an official statement, which you can post in your blog, your

>>> product with the current sandbox and the current way it is working,

>>> is not compatible with our automation system and as your sandbox

>>> does restrict often also the functionality of clean applications, we

>>> do not see it fit in our test system right now. So it is not

>>> possible to put you in a single whole product test, in the main test

>>> it would not be possible anyway as we restrict the number of participants.


>>> Schöne Grüsse / Regards


>>> Peter Stelzhammer

>>> p@av-comparatives.org



>>> Phone: +43 (512)

>>> Mobile: +43 (664)

>>> ——————————————-

>>> www.av-comparatives.org – Independent Tests of Anti-Virus Software

>>> —–Ursprüngliche Nachricht—–

>>> Von: Umesh Kumar Gupta [mailto:u@comodo.com]

>>> Gesendet: Montag, 31. Jänner 2011 12:45

>>> An: a@av-comparatives.org

>>> Cc: Peter Stelzhammer; Egemen Tas

>>> Betreff: Re: Main Test Feb-2011


>>> Hi Andreas,

>>> In past you have done single product review in parallel with main

>>> test, we are seeking similar test again for Feb-2011 In addition to

>>> that we have been in discussion with Peter over phone and we had

>>> impression that we were in as we requested earlier for single

>>> product review and answer was possible with next main test.


>>> Do you see any possibility to include Comodo in it?


>>> Thanks

>>> -umesh


>>> On 1/31/2011 3:18 AM, Andreas Clementi wrote:

>>>> Hi Umesh,


>>>> I am afraid, but Comodo did not apply for the main test-series of

>>>> 2011 and the deadline (as announced on our website for nearly 2

>>>> months) for applying to the tests expired already some time ago.


>>>> Regards,

>>>> andreas





>>>>> —–Original Message—–

>>>>> From: Umesh Kumar Gupta [mailto:u@comodo.com]

>>>>> Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 2:17 PM

>>>>> To: Andreas Clementi

>>>>> Subject: Main Test Feb-2011


>>>>> Hi Andreas,

>>>>> As i understand main test is going to be conducted in Feb-2011, i

>>>>> was wondering about the final date of product submission.


>>>>> —

>>>>> Kind Regards

>>>>> Umesh Kumar Gupta

>>>>> Head Comodo Antivirus Labs

>>>>> Office Tel US: 201-963-0004 x4042

>>>>> Fax:  201-595-0575

>>>>> www.comodo.com www.comodo.com/platform/secure-email-gateway/

>>>>> www.enterprisessl.com

>>>>> This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and

>>>> intended

>>>>> solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are

>>>>> addressed.

>>>> If

>>>>> you have received this email in error please notify the sender by

>>>>> replying

>>>> to

>>>>> the e-mail containing this attachment. Replies to this email may

>>>>> be monitored by Comodo for operational or business reasons. Whilst

>>>>> every endeavour is taken to ensure that e-mails are free from

>>>>> viruses, no

>>>> liability

>>>>> can be accepted and the recipient is requested to use their own

>>>>> virus checking software.

>>> —

>>> Kind Regards

>>> Umesh Kumar Gupta

>>> Head Comodo Antivirus Labs

>>> Office Tel US: 201-963-0004

>>> Fax:  201-595-

>>> www.comodo.com www.secure-email.comodo.com www.enterprisessl.com

>>> This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and

>>> intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they

>>> are addressed. If you have received this email in error please

>>> notify the sender by replying to the e-mail containing this attachment.

>>> Replies to this email may be monitored by Comodo for operational or

>>> business reasons. Whilst every endeavour is taken to ensure that

>>> e-mails are free from viruses, no liability can be accepted and the

>>> recipient is requested to use their own virus checking software.






> —

> Kind Regards

> Umesh Kumar Gupta

> Head Comodo Antivirus Labs

> Office Tel US: 201-963-0004

> Fax:  201-595-

> www.comodo.com www.secure-email.comodo.com www.enterprisessl.com

> This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the sender by replying to the e-mail containing this attachment. Replies to this email may be monitored by Comodo for operational or business reasons. Whilst every endeavour is taken to ensure that e-mails are free from viruses, no liability can be accepted and the recipient is requested to use their own virus checking software.






Kind Regards

Umesh Kumar Gupta

Head Comodo Antivirus Labs

Office Tel US: 201-963-0004

Fax:  201-595-

www.comodo.com www.secure-email.comodo.com www.enterprisessl.com

This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the sender by replying to the e-mail containing this attachment. Replies to this email may be monitored by Comodo for operational or business reasons. Whilst every endeavour is taken to ensure that e-mails are free from viruses, no liability can be accepted and the recipient is requested to use their own virus checking software.









*****Email of 11 Jan 2010**********

——– Original Message ——–

Subject: Re: AV-Comparatives Test-Series
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 16:09:51 +0100
From: Peter Stelzhammer <p @av-comparatives.org>
Reply-To: p @av-comparatives.org
To: Umesh Kumar Gupta <u@comodo.com>
CC: Andreas Clementi <a@av-comparatives.org>

Hiu Umesh,

we could do the single product test in february (with the new testset). It will be an On-Demand with False Positive Test. Start will be around the 5th. Feb. Release mid of March. (If you will keep the report internal, it is Euro 1500, if you want to use it in marketing and we shall publish it – with short review of product – on our website it is as told Euro 2000.

FYI: There is no sampleexchange at the single product tests.

Just let us know.

Schöne Grüsse / Regards

Peter Stelzhammer

Stelzhammer & Partner | kompetenzzentrum.IT

Mobil: +43 (664)

Tel: +43 (512)
Fax: +43 (512)

On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 4:00 AM, Umesh Kumar Gupta <u@comodo.com> wrote:

Hi Peter,
As you suggested “Single Product Test”, we would like to go for that and we would like to see results before we decide that you could publish results.
Please let me know what all you need from us.




From: Andreas Clementi [mailto:a@av-comparatives.org]
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2011 11:11 AM
To: ‘Egemen Tas’; ‘Umesh Kumar Gupta’
Cc: p@av-comparatives.org
Subject: AW: AW: AW: AW: Main Test Feb-2011




btw, do not be unhappy about the „other malware/viruses“ %s, you will see in the report that also other vendors score low there (mainly because that category contains non-PE malware). Furthermore, your ~90% is higher than what some few other products scored and similar to what other well-known products reached. You will see 😉






AV-Comparatives e.V.




Tel.: +43 512

Mobile: +43 676

Innsbruck | Austria | Europe



About Me

I am Melih Abdulhayoglu, founder of MAVeCap – Technology Innovator.

I believe nothing is perfect. Therefore everything can be improved!