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Thank you Symantec for listening to my call and admitting that Legacy Antivirus is no longer enough to do the job.

I called on the whole Antivirus industry and gave Symantec as an example and said: “Time to own up – Traditional Anti-Virus is no longer enough“. Symantec came thru and

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Now, we all heard about detection, prevention, cleaning, behaviour blocker, firewall, Antivirus, Anti malware, detection tests, antivirus tests….it can be confusing… What is what and and more importantly what do I need as a consumer!

I will try to explain whats involved in desktop security products and hopefully will arm you

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I and Comodo have one goal, to empower and protect our end users.

Our motto is,  “look after our users, money will follow”, it works and always has. We put our users first. Knowing that our users empower Comodo with their business. Its a beautiful relationship that works.

Everything we do

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But we are not in the business of taking the easy route out nor in the business of being one sided if we can innovate to solve it for both parties.

PrivDog is designed with Privacy of the user in mind. Our DNA is about securing the user and his/her privacy.

Web hosting industry is an important industry for Comodo. Protecting web sites is an important function as attacks against websites continue to increase and not only are the businesses running these websites are under attack, but visitors who use these websites are also vulnerable due to compromised web servers and web sites.