09. March 2025

Comodo Firewall v3 – A Security Breakthrough
The Fundable Startup: Aligning Product Lifecycle with Funding Stages

I didn’t know what to expect!

It was a brand new architecture, brand new product, on a brand new OS. We even became the first Vista 64bit firewall! Thats how new everything we were doing was! We created, literally, world’s most powerful security software for the Vista platforms! Yes Vista is new, and our technology is new! But the world needed a new way to secure themselves as what was there wasn’t cutting it anymore.  Its a scary combination to develop for, as you will hit many unforseen obstacles! And that we did! 🙂

We beta’d the product for about 6 months, but we always in our minds, knew that releasing to millions of users would raise some bugs, and guess what, it did! 🙂  I guess being the pioneers in the field does mean that we get to see things before others see it, including ugly bugs!!! (yikes).

We did have our midnight oil ready though! And sleepless nights, helped with cafeeine did keep us going. The whole credit must go to CFP team who worked their backsides off to make sure to iron out all major bugs at lightinging speed!

We then started to monitor take up, user feedback and issues! And once again, we proved that caring for our users and doing our best to build them a world beating security product to keep their PC clean and not charging for it is a winning combination!

Last week we had over 230,000 NEW users installing V3! That’s a staggering number considering we spent ZERO dollars in advertising. This has been purely thru word of mouth.


I am happy, proud and grateful all at the same time!

Happy that we are managing to keep 230,000 new machines clean from nasties every week!

Proud of our achivements and working with top notch guys!

Grateful to all our users for their continued support!

Of course our quest is only beginning now! There are many unprotected machines out there and whole of Internet to secure and authenticate!

Back to work for us now 🙂



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About Me

I am Melih Abdulhayoglu, founder of MAVeCap – Technology Innovator.

I believe nothing is perfect. Therefore everything can be improved!