09. March 2025

Comodo Internet Security v6 | Next-Level Protection for Everyone
The Fundable Startup: Aligning Product Lifecycle with Funding Stages

Version 6 of our beloved Comodo Internet Security (CIS) product has certainly caused a lot of stir in the market place.  As we all know, previous versions of CIS was being used more technical people than novices.

This changed with the launch of CIS v 6. It became the security suite choice for the masses. Some technically oriented users prefer the older interface as there are more shiny buttons to press (Yes I like them too :)).  But……please understand that by making CIS v6 for the masses we are able to protect a lot more people and this is a good thing.  The framework we built Comodo Internet Security v6 on will allow both the masses and geeks to use CIS to their liking. It will take a bit of time to get all the tuning done for the “geek population”.  Lets be honest, you are a geek and tuning a security product for you ain’t easy! 🙂 But together we will do it!


About Me

I am Melih Abdulhayoglu, founder of MAVeCap – Technology Innovator.

I believe nothing is perfect. Therefore everything can be improved!