09. March 2025

Machine vs. Human | The Battle for Control
The Fundable Startup: Aligning Product Lifecycle with Funding Stages


Self Replication:

Self-replication is any process by which a thing might make a copy of itself or something similar to original.


God, as far as any creation is concerned!


Somebody/something that releases a creation with self-replication capability

Self awareness:

Self-awareness is the explicit understanding that one exists.


The above are some simple terminology that will help us with the following story.

The question is what is a Machine? A simple answer would be: Any human created mechanical/electronic device. So a Computer would classify as a machine.

Thanks god that the Terminator like self aware machines are still yet tomaterialise! However, this does not mean that we are not fighting the war against machines!!! Machines don’t have to be self-aware to fight humans!

They just need to be programmed!!! Just like the DNA that gives us our code about what us humans should do, programs tell machines what they should do! One of the most sophisticated machines that we interact with today is a PC. Also as it happens it is one of the most connected ones! Which means infection can occur very easily between PCs. Just like organic viruses/bacteria use Air, blood or other method to infect other humans, Computer Viruses use the connectivity (Internet, email, wireless, shared storage devices etc) that we have been building for them! Now computers are more connected than ever, and this connectivity will only increase. These complex machines that we call PCs are being infected and turned against us! Not by other machines but by humans! Machines are being used, manipulated for ill gains! People are writing programs/codes to turn your home computer against you! To steal your information to benefit its Creator or its Initiator/Releasor. We have been fighting the very machines we paid $$$ for! And we have been loosing that war!! Now, there are more computer viruses out there than ever and the techniques used today are at best outdated! Computer Viruses (malware) are Self-replicating. Which means they go to a machine and infect it, then find ways in which it can use that very “host” it has taken over to infect the other victims it can find.

Sure they are not killing us, sure they are not demolishing our houses, the reason for that is today they are limited to our PCs! Their universe is our PC. But hang on.. don’t get so comfortable your life and house maybe safe but they can and they do steal your bank account details, they can and they do delete your valuable data, they can and they do use your machine to attack others! They are already fighting you! Yes its humans behind them, yes these Computer Viruses(malware) are not self aware, but do they need to be to cause you a damage? They are self replicating and they can mutate to avoid detection! Once released, their creator/releaser usually has no control of the damage they will create! If humans were files on PCs then these Viruses (malware) would be the worst AIDS virus that is airborne! Yep nasty stuff for poor files!

So the war has already began! We are already fighting this war one Computer at a time!  Because today’s security is ridiculously inadequate.

We have created “Preventitive” technologies like our Superb Comodo Firewall  however there are more than 400 Million Internet enabled PCs with a good chunk of them infected by these viruses/malware!

Time to get the “Human” element and start fighting these “Machines”! That’s where Comodo once again taking the lead and showing the world of security how it should be done, by creating “Free Malware Removal” by Comodo Security Experts! These security experts will remotely clean your machine and, if you wish to, install our Security technologies to protect you from future attacks and infections.

Whether you like it or not, the war has began!



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Above images are taken from:

Wikipedia and ecliptic

About Me

I am Melih Abdulhayoglu, founder of MAVeCap – Technology Innovator.

I believe nothing is perfect. Therefore everything can be improved!