12. March 2025

Shyness Isn't Permanent | Change the Story You Tell Yourself

self confidence

“Why Shyness Isn’t Who You Are: It’s How You Choose to See the World”

Shyness and low confidence often stem from a common, yet misguided belief: that other people’s opinions are more important than our own. This deeply ingrained tendency to give too much weight to what others might think of us leads to self-imposed limitations. We hold back, dimming our light, restricting our actions, and allowing fear of judgment to define our behavior.

But here’s the reality: we only have control over two things in life:

  • – Our perception: How we interpret and assign meaning to the world around us. Our perception is our reality, period!
  • – Our behavior: How we choose to act and respond based on our thoughts and feelings.

Understanding and mastering these two elements is the key to breaking free from the chains of shyness and boosting our confidence.

The Power of Perception

Perception, in this context, refers to how we interpret and assign meaning to the world around us. It is our personal filter, the lens through which we view others and ourselves. When we feel shy, it’s because we perceive that others are watching us closely, forming judgments, and assessing our every move.

Allowing what you *think* others are thinking to influence your behavior is like handing them a remote control to your actions. It sounds silly, but that’s essentially what happens when we give away control of our own behavior to the perception of others’ thoughts.

The Behavior Trap

When our perception tells us that others are judging us, it alters our behavior. We become hesitant, self-conscious, and, ultimately, shy. The fear of making mistakes or appearing foolish restricts us from being authentic. This is where the cycle of low confidence perpetuates itself. The more we shrink away from opportunities to express ourselves, the more we reinforce our fears.

Every decision we make is our “choice” whether we like it or not. Each time our brain decides, it does so because “we choose”. Every action we take, every behavior we exhibit, is ultimately a reflection of our own choices. When we allow the fear of others’ opinions to influence our decisions, we are still choosing that path, even if we don’t consciously realize it. The power to act differently is always within our grasp.

But here’s the truth: *other people’s opinions don’t define us*. What defines us is how we choose to act and respond in each moment. If we let others dictate our actions, we’re handing over control of our lives.

Breaking the Cycle: Focus on What You Can Control

To break free from this cycle, remember that you have full control over two things:

  1. Your Perception: Start questioning your assumptions. Are people really judging you as harshly as you think? Is their opinion more important than your own? Shift your perception from external validation to internal satisfaction.
  2. Your Behavior: Take action despite your fears. When you stop modifying your behavior based on imagined judgments, you free yourself to explore new opportunities, develop confidence, and act authentically.

When you realign your perception and behavior, you’ll discover that shyness doesn’t stand a chance. By valuing your own perspective over the perceived opinions of others, you create a powerful feedback loop of growth and confidence.

In short, shyness stems from giving too much weight to what others think. But once you realize that your perception and behavior are the only things within your control, the path to overcoming it becomes clearer. By recognizing that every decision you make is a choice—your choice—you regain full control of how you perceive the world around you. Shift the focus back to yourself, own your decisions, and let your confidence lead the way.

About Me

I am Melih Abdulhayoglu, founder of MAVeCap – Technology Innovator.

I believe nothing is perfect. Therefore everything can be improved!