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Hey, come on.. I have seen  your video!!! You were there! Are you pulling my leg?

The surveillance camera got you! You should have smiled 🙂

Technologies we take for granted as a trusted source of truth will soon start lying to us!

Check this footage……


Soon you might see yourself on TV confessing to  a crime that you did not commit along with your footage of a surveillance camera clearly showing you committing the crime, but you know you didn’t!

Soon you might see the President declaring war on TV, but in fact he didn’t!

Soon you might see the information we are being fed can no longer be trusted!

Well, we know we can’t trust what we read unless we can verify, but now, we can’t trust what we see/watch either!

Who/what can you trust? How can you verify? The role of Authentication!!!…..its only the beginning!!!

PS: Does this mean its the end of movie stars?


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