09. March 2025

A Heartfelt Thank You from Melih Abdulhayoglu
The Fundable Startup: Aligning Product Lifecycle with Funding Stages

Last two weeks has been challenging to say the least. We faced a new threat vector. It was stressful, it was not pleasant but it was a learning experience for me, for my company and for the security industry in general.

Everyone in Comodo got together and did an amazing job of supporting Comodo and its customers! Our people were working well beyond the call of duty. Some of them didn’t even go home for 48 hours to protect whats valuable to them, Comodo and its customers. Our customers were sending in their wishes of support, our users were telling us to hang in there and they are behind us, it truly was a sign of unity all around!  Our people, customers and users understood that Comodo was a victim of a criminal activity. They understood that what happened was a result of a new threat vector.  There were some that tried to ca$h in …but they were too few to mention and they were ignored.

Many in the industry sent their support to us, many argued on our corner, we are grateful for all those who stood up for what was right.

Amongst all that I lost track of what was happening in Japan who was suffering an unimaginable tragedy. You see there is always someone somewhere who may be suffering more than you do, so be grateful, don’t feel sorry for yourself, always strive for improvement, and always continue helping others!

Thank you again for all your amazing support,  we love you all and will always do our best to be there for you!


PS: Here is the link for donations for Japanese Earthquake relief.

About Me

I am Melih Abdulhayoglu, founder of MAVeCap – Technology Innovator.

I believe nothing is perfect. Therefore everything can be improved!