09. March 2025

Building User Trust – The Key to E-Commerce Success
The Fundable Startup: Aligning Product Lifecycle with Funding Stages

I mean come on, you don’t need me telling you this!

You get your users to trust you, then you get them to shop with you, right!

Of course you know this. Its like saying, a time machine would be great, the idea is nothing new, the execution is what needs to be fleshed out. So the question is how can you get User Trust?

First of all, lets not kid ourselves, Users are smart and getting smarter! Some of them are still new, but human brain is designed to learn and learn very quickly. So you have to start treating them like what they are – Smart!

Why not give them a platform to improve  your business? Wouldn’t that be nice? Believe it or not,

Smart Users (many out there) will help you improve your business!

Smart users will help promote your business!

Smart Users will keep coming back to you as long as you keep them happy!

and so on….

So what platform is this then?

Its the UserTrust platform, its a feedback mechanism, rating system, its a system to let your users tell you how good you are, its a platform to allow your users to tell you how bad you have been, its also a platform for you to engage with your users, happy or unhappy customers, so that you can improve your business to benefit your customers. Imagine, an unhappy customer coming and telling you what you have done wrong! Thats a great thing, now you can improve what went wrong. And thank this unhappy customer for helping you improve your business and inform him about the improvements you have done. You will gain loyal customers doing this! Why not ask all your customers to provide feedback, public feedback on your website! Sounds scary right 🙂 what if they say nasty stuff in your own website. Its only bad, if you don’t act upon it!!!! That is the key! Having people saying bad stuff is good, not acting on it to improve your business and telling them how you have improved is good! Just look at our forums  I never delete anything, people telling us we are great, people telling us we are crap, people coming to insult us, its all good, as long as we address these points! Please do look thru our forums to see how we have dealt with good, bad and ugly. Seeing you as a Business who cares for its customers, listening to its customers, doing everything possible (within limits of course) to keep your customers happy and having a platform/mechanism to show that you care and you do try to make your customers happy is a very important

So how can you do all that? You need a platform that your users Trust to be independent, accessible to them and know that this platform will give them the “empowerment” for them to make a difference!

That is why we decided to offer a rating platform so that end users can rate you. However, the difference is, this is a tool designed to empower your customers as well as empower you as a business. This had to be done at no cost, yep free! So that end users know that you as a business have no reason not to empower them. Unlike the paid for versions, making it free removes the obstacle for businesses so that they have no reason not to deploy this, and because there are no fees associated with this, this service/platform can be viewed as an independent platform. It exists to please and empower both consumers and businesses.

The reason why we are launching this service is to create a feedback mechanism to start rewarding good businesses, to help willing businesses help themselves, to empower Consumers so that they can make a difference with their feedback and make Internet a safer place! Who better than a trusted name like Comodo to provide that infrastructure for free to everyone! Who better than Comodo who has already been fortunate enough to gain UserTrust by providing top notch security to end users for free! Now end users will trust this service know that it is designed to empower them, rather than those paid for rating logos people buy which, imo, does not inspire confidence with the smart consumers cos they know the businesses have paid for it and the vendors need to be nice to the biz otherwise they don’t get paid. Of course the system we have doesn’t mean that anyone can come say anything they like to damage the business, we simply won’t allow that! We want create a Fair empowerment for both businesses and consumers. It will only work if its fair! We will make sure of that.

Businesses: now you know how you can Improve your business, your sales, your customer satisfaction, there simply is no reason not to deploy this UserTrust platform (of course for whatever reason (??) you don’t want your customers to rate you (skeletons in the cupboard and all that) 🙂 ). Its free, its fair, and more importantly its trusted as a fair platform by consumers, being provided by an organisation that consumers have come to trust!

Consumers: Now you are empowered to make a difference, for yourself, for other people like you and for business you like or dislike!  Now you have a tool to improve your online experience! Now you have a tool to make a difference, a difference you and the whole Internet can see! Now you have a “Voice” that can be “Heard”!

By both businesses and consumers utilising this platform, we can improve Internet, we can improve our businesses, we can weed out bad and reward good, we can have a better user experience on Internet now that we are armed.

UserTrust – A key ingredient for Internet Experience!



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About Me

I am Melih Abdulhayoglu, founder of MAVeCap – Technology Innovator.

I believe nothing is perfect. Therefore everything can be improved!